
We are conveniently located at 150 NW 75th Drive, Suite B, Gainesville, FL 32607.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=150+NW+75th+Dr,+Gainesville,+FL&aq=0&oq=150&sll=29.68627,-82.319746&sspn=0.166132,0.267105&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=150+NW+75th+Dr,+Gainesville,+Alachua,+Florida+32607&t=m&ll=29.654344,-82.423382&spn=0.037295,0.059996&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=450&h=450]

Directions from the Oaks Mall:

  1. From the Oaks Mall, head west on Newberry Rd (SR 26) toward the interstate
  2. After you go under the overpass, take a left at the second redlight (NW 75th Street)
  3. After you turn onto NW 75th take your first right onto (NW 4th Blvd)
  4. Take an immediate Left onto (NW 75th Drive)
  5. We are the third driveway down on the right in the same plaza as State Farm and Bullard Homes, our office is all the way in the back on the right.

Directions from Archer Road:

  1.  Head east on Archer Rd
  2. Turn right toward FL-24 W/SW Archer Rd
  3. Turn right onto FL-24 W/SW Archer Rd
  4. Turn right onto SW 75th St/Tower Rd
  5. Turn left onto W University Ave
  6. Take the 1st right onto NW 75 Dr/NW 75th Dr.
  7. We are the third driveway down on the right in the same plaza as State Farm and Bullard Homes, our office is all the way in the back on the right.

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